Short cut keys of computer to do your work quickly and make your work easy. Here we have listed some commonly used short-cut keys that can provide an easier and quicker way to using computer programs: List of basic computer shortcut keys: Alt + F--File menu options in the current program. Alt + E--Edits options in the current program. F1--Universal help (for any sort of program). Ctrl + A--Selects all text. Ctrl + X--Cuts the selected item. Ctrl + Del--Cut selected item. Ctrl + C--Copy the selected item. Ctrl + Ins-- Copy the selected item. Ctrl + V--Paste the selected item. Shift + Ins -- Paste the selected item. Home -- Takes the user to the beginning of the current line. Ctrl + Home--Go to the beginning of the document. End -- Go to the end of the current line. Ctrl + End -- Go to the end of a document. Shift + Home -- Highlight from current position to beginning of the line. Shift + End -- Highlight from current position to end of the ...
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